Thursday, May 2, 2013

Watch New What Maisie Knew Movie with Full HD Format

A contemporary reimagining of Henry James' novel, WHAT MAISIE KNEW tells the story of a captivating little girl's struggle for grace in the midst of her parents' bitter custody battle. Told through the eyes of the title's heroine, Maisie navigates this ever-widening turmoil with a six-year-old's innocence, charm and generosity of spirit. R
If You Like this movie you can streaming What Maisie Knew Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : What Maisie Knew
Release Date : May 3, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Julianne Moore,Steve Coogan,Onata Aprile,Alexander Skarsgård,Joanna Vanderham,Kate Manheim,Emma Holzer,Diana Garcia


Visitor Ranting & Critics For What Maisie Knew

User Ranting Movie What Maisie Knew :
User Percentage For What Maisie Knew : %
User Count Like for What Maisie Knew : 1,993
All Critics Ranting For What Maisie Knew : 7.3
All Critics Count For What Maisie Knew : 22
All Critics Percentage For What Maisie Knew : 82 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming What Maisie Knew Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For What Maisie Knew


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Movie Overview For What Maisie Knew

Based on the Henry James novella, the story frames on 7-year-old Maisie, caught in a custody battle between her mother â€" a rock and roll icon â€" and her father. What Maisie Knew is an evocative portrayal of the chaos of adult life seen entirely from a child’s point of view.
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