Friday, May 31, 2013

Watch New Free Angela & All Political Prisoners Movie with Full HD Format

Writer/director Shola Lynch follows up her 2004 documentary Chisholm '72: Unbought and Unbossed with this film centered on the struggle of educator and activist Angela Davis, an outspoken UCLA professor whose affiliation with the Communist Party and the Black Panthers landed her on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list while challenging our perceptions of political freedom in America. From her early years as a student in the U.S. and abroad to her highly publicized arrest and trial following the brazen hostage-taking and murder of Marin County judge Harold Haley in California, Lynch's film leaves no stone unturned as it explores every remarkable detail of Davis' life, and allows her to tell her own stories through a series of intimate interviews. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
If You Like this movie you can streaming Free Angela & All Political Prisoners Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Free Angela & All Political Prisoners
Release Date : Apr 5, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Angela Davis,Eisa Davis


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Free Angela & All Political Prisoners

User Ranting Movie Free Angela & All Political Prisoners : 4.2
User Percentage For Free Angela & All Political Prisoners : 63 %
User Count Like for Free Angela & All Political Prisoners : 337
All Critics Ranting For Free Angela & All Political Prisoners : 7.1
All Critics Count For Free Angela & All Political Prisoners : 13
All Critics Percentage For Free Angela & All Political Prisoners : 92 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Free Angela & All Political Prisoners Get movie without downloading HERE

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Movie Overview For Free Angela & All Political Prisoners

Free Angela is a feature-length documentary about Angela Davis and the high stakes crime, political movement, and trial that catapults the 26 year-old newly appointed philosophy professor at the University of California at Los Angeles into a seventies revolutionary political icon. Nearly forty years later, and for the first time, Angela Davis speaks frankly about the actions that branded her as a terrorist and simultaneously spurred a worldwide political movement for her freedom.
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