Saturday, May 18, 2013

Watch New Hors Satan Movie with Full HD Format

Angel or devil, good or evil, Christ or Satan: These are the mystical questions revolving around the nameless figure living in the coastal dunes outside of a small French town. Named one of the top ten films of the year by Cahiers du Cinema and an official selection of the Cannes Film Festival, Hors Satan is a provocative parable of identity, morality, and human relationships, defying notions of genre to become a mesmerizing and haunting original. -- (C) New Yorker Films -- (C) New Yorker Films Unrated
If You Like this movie you can streaming Hors Satan Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Hors Satan
Release Date : Jan 18, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :David Dewaele,Alexandre Lematre,Valerie Mestdagh,Sonia Barthelemy,Juliette Bacquet,Christophe Bon,Dominique Caffier,Aurore Broutin


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Hors Satan

User Ranting Movie Hors Satan : 3.2
User Percentage For Hors Satan : %
User Count Like for Hors Satan : 413
All Critics Ranting For Hors Satan : 6.3
All Critics Count For Hors Satan : 34
All Critics Percentage For Hors Satan : 76 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Hors Satan Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Hors Satan


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Movie Overview For Hors Satan

Along the Côte d'Opale, near a hamlet, with its dunes and marshes, lives a mysterious wanderer from nowhere who struggles along, poaches, prays and builds fires...
TagLine Hors Satan

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