Thursday, May 23, 2013

Watch New Bad Kids Go to Hell Movie with Full HD Format

Six private school high school kids find themselves stuck in detention on a frightfully dark and stormy Saturday afternoon. During their 8 hour incarceration, each of the six kids falls victim to a horrible "accident" until only one of them remains. And as each of these spoiled rich kids bites the dust, the story takes on a series of humorous and frantic twists and turns. Is one of the kids secretly evening the school's social playing field? Or have the ghosts of prestigious Crestview Academy finally come to punish the school's worst (and seemingly untouchable) brats? One thing is for sure...Daddy's money can't save them now. -- (C) Official Site
If You Like this movie you can streaming Bad Kids Go to Hell Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Bad Kids Go to Hell
Release Date : Dec 7, 2012 Limited
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Judd Nelson,Ben Browder,Cameron Deane Stewart,Ali Faulkner,Roger Edwards,Marc Donato,Augie Duke,Amanda Alch,Jeffrey Schmidt,Chanel Ryan,Eloise Dejoria


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Bad Kids Go to Hell

User Ranting Movie Bad Kids Go to Hell : 3
User Percentage For Bad Kids Go to Hell : %
User Count Like for Bad Kids Go to Hell : 3,939
All Critics Ranting For Bad Kids Go to Hell : 4.3
All Critics Count For Bad Kids Go to Hell : 9
All Critics Percentage For Bad Kids Go to Hell : 44 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Bad Kids Go to Hell Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Bad Kids Go to Hell


Special Movie Images Bad Kids Go to Hell
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Movie Overview For Bad Kids Go to Hell

On a stormy Saturday afternoon, six students from Crestview Academy begin to meet horrible fates as they serve out their detentions. Is a fellow student to blame, or perhaps Crestview's alleged ghosts are behind the terrible acts?
TagLine Bad Kids Go to Hell

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