Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Watch New 28 Hotel Rooms Movie with Full HD Format

Unfolding as a collage of moments-some sexy, some innocent, some profound, some silly-28 HOTEL ROOMS is an intimate portrait of an affair in which two people wrestle with the intoxication of sex and the confusion of loving more than one person.(c) Oscilloscope Unrated
If You Like this movie you can streaming 28 Hotel Rooms Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : 28 Hotel Rooms
Release Date : Nov 9, 2012 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Romance
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Marin Ireland,Chris Messina


Visitor Ranting & Critics For 28 Hotel Rooms

User Ranting Movie 28 Hotel Rooms : 3
User Percentage For 28 Hotel Rooms : %
User Count Like for 28 Hotel Rooms : 864
All Critics Ranting For 28 Hotel Rooms : 6.2
All Critics Count For 28 Hotel Rooms : 14
All Critics Percentage For 28 Hotel Rooms : 43 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming 28 Hotel Rooms Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For 28 Hotel Rooms


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Movie Overview For 28 Hotel Rooms

While traveling for work in a city far from their homes, a novelist and a corporate accountant find themselves in bed together. Although she’s married, and he’s seeing someone, their intense attraction turns a one-night stand into an unexpected relationship and a respite from the obligations of daily life. Through a series of moments â€" some profound, some silly, some intensely intimate â€" we see a portrait of an evolving relationship that could become the most significant one of their lives.
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