Friday, May 31, 2013

Watch New Clandestine Childhood Movie with Full HD Format

Argentina, 1979. After years of exile, Juan (12) and his family come back to Argentina under fake identities. Juan's parents and his uncle Beto are members of the Montoneros Organization, which is fighting against the Military Junta that rules the country. Because of their political activities they are being tracked down relentlessly, and the threat of capture and even death is constant. However, Juan's daily life is also full of warmth and humor, and he quickly and easily integrates into his new environment. His friends at school and the girl he has a gigantic crush on, Maria, know him as Ernesto, a name he must not forget, since his family's survival is at stake. Juan accepts this and follows all of his parents' rules until one day he is told that they need to move again immediately, and leave his friends and Maria behind without an explanation. This is a story about militancy, undercover life, and love. The story of a clandestine childhood. (c) Film Movement
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Movie Title : Clandestine Childhood
Release Date : Jan 11, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama,Romance
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Teo Gutierrez Romero,Natalia Oreiro,Ernesto Alterio,César Troncoso,Christina Banegas,Mayana Neiva,Douglas Simon,Violeta Palukas,Cristina Banegas,Teo Gutierrez Moreno


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Clandestine Childhood

User Ranting Movie Clandestine Childhood : 3.5
User Percentage For Clandestine Childhood : 70 %
User Count Like for Clandestine Childhood : 180
All Critics Ranting For Clandestine Childhood : 5.8
All Critics Count For Clandestine Childhood : 10
All Critics Percentage For Clandestine Childhood : 50 %

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Movie Overview For Clandestine Childhood

Juan lives in clandestinity. Just like his mum, his dad and his adored uncle Beto, outside his home he has another name. At school, Juan is known as Ernesto. And he meets María, who only has one name. Based on true facts, set in the Argentina of 1979, this film is "one about love".
TagLine Clandestine Childhood

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