Sunday, May 19, 2013

Watch New Thale Movie with Full HD Format

Two crime-scene cleaners discover a mythical, tailed female creature in a concealed cellar. She never utters a word, unable to tell her story, but the pieces of the puzzle soon come together: she's been held captive for decades for reasons soon to surface. Unrated
If You Like this movie you can streaming Thale Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Thale
Release Date : Apr 5, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense,Science Fiction & Fantasy
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Silje Reinåmo,Erlend Nervold,Jon Sigve Skard,Morten Andrese,Roland Astrand


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Thale

User Ranting Movie Thale : 3
User Percentage For Thale : %
User Count Like for Thale : 1,159
All Critics Ranting For Thale : 5.8
All Critics Count For Thale : 9
All Critics Percentage For Thale : 44 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Thale Get movie without downloading HERE

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Movie Overview For Thale

Thale revolves around a huldra - a seductive forest spirit who appears from the front to be a beautiful young woman but who also has a cow's tale and whose back appears to be like a hollowed out tree. The huldra has been known to offer rewards to those who satisfy them sexually and death to those who fail to do so and are also prone to stealing human babies.
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