Monday, May 13, 2013

Watch New V/H/S/2 Movie with Full HD Format

Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static-white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil. (c) Magnet Unrated
If You Like this movie you can streaming V/H/S/2 Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : V/H/S/2
Release Date : Jul 12, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense,Horror
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Kelsy Abbott,Hannah Al Rashid,Devon Brookshire,Samantha Gracie,L.C. Holt,Adam Wingard,Lawrence Michael Levine,Hannah Hughes,Jay Saunders,Epy Kusnandar


Visitor Ranting & Critics For V/H/S/2

User Ranting Movie V/H/S/2 :
User Percentage For V/H/S/2 : %
User Count Like for V/H/S/2 : 300
All Critics Ranting For V/H/S/2 : 7.3
All Critics Count For V/H/S/2 : 12
All Critics Percentage For V/H/S/2 : 92 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming V/H/S/2 Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For V/H/S/2


Special Movie Images V/H/S/2
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Movie Overview For V/H/S/2

Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of staticâ€"white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.
TagLine V/H/S/2

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