Monday, May 13, 2013

Watch New Shadow Dancer Movie with Full HD Format

Single mother Collette McVeigh is a Republican living in Belfast with her mother and hardliner IRA brothers. When she is arrested for her part in an aborted IRA bomb plot in London, an MI5 officer (Mac) offers her a choice: lose everything and go to prison for 25 years or return to Belfast to spy on her own family. With her son's life in her hands, Collette chooses to place her trust in Mac and return home, but when her brothers' secret operation is ambushed, suspicions of an informant are raised and Collette finds both herself and her family in grave danger.(c) Magnolia
If You Like this movie you can streaming Shadow Dancer Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Shadow Dancer
Release Date : May 31, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Mystery & Suspense,Drama
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Andrea Riseborough,Clive Owen,Aidan Gillen,Domhnall Gleeson,Gillian Anderson,Martin McCann,Stuart Graham


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Shadow Dancer

User Ranting Movie Shadow Dancer :
User Percentage For Shadow Dancer : %
User Count Like for Shadow Dancer : 1,789
All Critics Ranting For Shadow Dancer : 7.1
All Critics Count For Shadow Dancer : 41
All Critics Percentage For Shadow Dancer : 93 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Shadow Dancer Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Shadow Dancer


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Movie Overview For Shadow Dancer

Set in 1990's Belfast, a woman is forced to betray all she believes in for the sake of her son.
TagLine Shadow Dancer

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