Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Watch New Home Run Movie with Full HD Format

Baseball all-star Cory Brand knows what it takes to win in the big leagues. But off the field, with memories of his past haunting him, his life is spiraling out of control. Hoping to save her client's career and reputation after a DUI and a team suspension, Cory's agent sends him back to the small town where he grew up. Forced to coach the local youth baseball team andspend eight weeks in the only recovery program in town, Cory can't wait to return to his old life as quickly as possible. As his young players help him experience the joy of the game, Cory discovers his need to find freedom from his past and hope for his future ... and win back the love he left behind. With this unexpected second chance, Cory finds himself on a powerful journey of transformation and redemption. Based on thousands of true stories, HOME RUN is a powerful reminder that with God, it's never too late ...freedom is possible.(c) Samuel Goldwyn
If You Like this movie you can streaming Home Run Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Home Run
Release Date : Apr 19, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Actors :Scott Elrod,Dorian Brown,Vivica A. Fox,Charles Henry Wyson,James Devoti


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Home Run

User Ranting Movie Home Run : 4.6
User Percentage For Home Run : %
User Count Like for Home Run : 1,508
All Critics Ranting For Home Run : 5.7
All Critics Count For Home Run : 10
All Critics Percentage For Home Run : 50 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Home Run Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Home Run


Special Movie Images Home Run
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Movie Overview For Home Run

A pro ball player with a substance abuse problem is forced into rehab in his hometown, finding new hope when he gets honest about his checkered past, and takes on coaching duties for a misfit Little League team
TagLine Home Run

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