Saturday, June 29, 2013

Watch New Lincoln Movie with Full HD Format

Steven Spielberg directs Daniel Day-Lewis in Lincoln, a revealing drama that focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come. -- (C) Walt Disney PG-13
If You Like this movie you can streaming Lincoln Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Lincoln
Release Date : Nov 16, 2012 Wide
Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Actors :Daniel Day-Lewis,Sally Field,David Strathairn,Joseph Gordon-Levitt,James Spader,Hal Holbrook,Tommy Lee Jones,John Hawkes,Jackie Earle Haley,Bruce McGill,Tim Blake Nelson,Joseph Cross,Jared Harris,Lee Pace,Peter McRobbie,Gulliver McGrath,Gloria Reuben,Jeremy Strong,Michael Stuhlbarg,Boris McGiver


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Lincoln

User Ranting Movie Lincoln : 4.1
User Percentage For Lincoln : 84 %
User Count Like for Lincoln : 136,347
All Critics Ranting For Lincoln : 8
All Critics Count For Lincoln : 246
All Critics Percentage For Lincoln : 89 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Lincoln Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Lincoln


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Movie Overview For Lincoln

A revealing drama that focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come.
TagLine Lincoln

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