Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Watch New Future Weather Movie with Full HD Format

Lauduree (Haney-Jardine) is a 13-year-old loner passionate about nature and worried about global warming. Greta (Amy Madigan), her grandmother, is a fiery nurse jaded by alcohol and disappointment. When Lauduree is abruptly abandoned by her dreamer single mom (Marin Ireland), she decides to take survival into her own hands, forcing her and Greta to rethink their futures. Featuring humorous, sharply drawn characters and powerful performances by Amy Madigan (Field of Dreams, Gone Baby Gone), Lili Taylor (Say Anything, Six Feet Under), and rising star Perla Haney-Jardine (Kill Bill Vol. 2, Spider-Man 3), Future Weather is about finding the courage to survive change. (c) Lipstick Pictures in association with First Pond Entertainment and Virgil Films
If You Like this movie you can streaming Future Weather Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Future Weather
Release Date : Feb 22, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Perla Haney-Jardine,Amy Madigan,Lili Taylor,William Sadler,Martin Ireland,Anubhav Jain,Jenny Dare Paulin,Michael Porter,Marin Ireland


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Future Weather

User Ranting Movie Future Weather : 3.3
User Percentage For Future Weather : %
User Count Like for Future Weather : 230
All Critics Ranting For Future Weather : 6.8
All Critics Count For Future Weather : 12
All Critics Percentage For Future Weather : 92 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Future Weather Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Future Weather


Special Movie Images Future Weather
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Movie Overview For Future Weather

Abandoned by her dreamer single mom, a teenage loner becomes obsessed with ecological disaster, forcing her and her grandmother, a functioning alcoholic, to rethink their futures.
TagLine Future Weather

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