Saturday, June 22, 2013

Watch New Beyond The Hills Movie with Full HD Format

In an isolated Orthodox convent in Romania, Alina has just been reunited with Voichita after spending several years in Germany. The two young women have supported and loved each other since meeting as children in an orphanage. Alina wants Voichita to leave and return with her to Germany, but Voichita has found refuge in faith and a family in the nuns and their priest, and refuses. Alina cannot understand her friend's choice. In her attempt to win back Voichita's affection, she challenges the priest. She is taken to hospital and the people of the monastery start to suspect that she is possessed. When the doctors send her back, Alina is included in the monastic routine in the hope that she will find peace. But her condition worsens and they finally have to tie her to a wooden plank to prevent her from hurting herself. After ruling out all other options, the priest and nuns decide to read her prayers to deliver those possessed by the Evil One. They perform an exorcism, but the result is not what they had hoped, and Voichita begins to doubt the religious choice she has made. She decides to free Alina - but her decision comes too late. Inspired by the non-fiction novels of Tatiana Niculescu Bran.
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Movie Title : Beyond The Hills
Release Date : Mar 8, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Art House & International,Drama
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Cosmina Stratan,Cristina Flutur,Valeriu Andriuta,Dana Tapalaga,Catalina Harabagiu,Gina Tandura,Vica Agache,Nora Covali,Dionisie Vitcu,Ionut Ghinea,Liliana Mocanu,Doru Ana,Costache Babii,Luminita Gheorghiu,Alina Berzunteanu,Teo Corban,Calin Chirila,Cristina Christian,Tania Popa,Petronela Grigorescu


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Beyond The Hills

User Ranting Movie Beyond The Hills : 3.8
User Percentage For Beyond The Hills : 78 %
User Count Like for Beyond The Hills : 1,357
All Critics Ranting For Beyond The Hills : 8
All Critics Count For Beyond The Hills : 81
All Critics Percentage For Beyond The Hills : 90 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Beyond The Hills Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Beyond The Hills


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Movie Overview For Beyond The Hills

A motorcycle stunt rider considers committing a crime in order to provide for his wife and child, an act that puts him on a collision course with a cop-turned-politician.
TagLine Beyond The Hills If you ride like lightning you're gonna crash like thunder

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