Monday, April 29, 2013

Watch New Stories We Tell Movie with Full HD Format

In this inspired, genre-twisting new film, Oscar (R)-nominated writer/director Sarah Polley discovers that the truth depends on who's telling it. Polley is both filmmaker and detective as she investigates the secrets kept by a family of storytellers. She playfully interviews and interrogates a cast of characters of varying reliability, eliciting refreshingly candid, yet mostly contradictory, answers to the same questions. As each relates their version of the family mythology, present-day recollections shift into nostalgia-tinged glimpses of their mother, who departed too soon, leaving a trail of unanswered questions. Polley unravels the paradoxes to reveal the essence of family: always complicated, warmly messy and fiercely loving. Stories We Tell explores the elusive nature of truth and memory, but at its core is a deeply personal film about how our narratives shape and define us as individuals and families, all interconnecting to paint a profound, funny and poignant picture of the larger human story. (c) Roadside Attractions
If You Like this movie you can streaming Stories We Tell Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Stories We Tell
Release Date : May 17, 2013 Limited
Genre Movie :Documentary,Drama,Art House & International,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Actors :Michael Polley,Harry Gulkin,Susy Buchan,John Buchan,Mark Polley,Joanna Polley,Cathy Gulkin,Marie Murphy,Robert MacMillan,Anne Tait,Deirdre Bowen,Victoria Mitchell,Mort Ransen,Geoffrey Bowes,Tom Butler,Pixie Bigelow,Claire Walker,Rebecca Jenkins,Peter Evans,Alex Hatz


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Stories We Tell

User Ranting Movie Stories We Tell :
User Percentage For Stories We Tell : %
User Count Like for Stories We Tell : 615
All Critics Ranting For Stories We Tell : 8.5
All Critics Count For Stories We Tell : 11
All Critics Percentage For Stories We Tell : 91 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming Stories We Tell Get movie without downloading HERE

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Movie Overview For Stories We Tell

Filmmaker Sarah Polley interviews members of her family as they look back on decades-old events.
TagLine Stories We Tell

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