Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Watch New Leo, roi de la jungle Movie with Full HD Format

The king of the jungle lets his power go to his head in this animated adventure that will entertain while teaching youngsters important lessons about sharing and understanding. Everyone knows that Leo the lion is the top cat, but when the feline bully begins pushing his jungle-dwelling friends around, he fails to notice that a group of sinister hunters are kidnapping animals from the jungle and selling them to the zoo. It's not until the hunters make off with a beautiful lioness and her son Tooey comes to Leo for help that the self-absorbed lion realizes that something is amiss, and though Leo vows to return Tooey's mother to her rightful home, his plan hits a snag when the resentful animals Leo had previously taken for granted refuse to pitch in and help. In order to ensure that Tooey and his mother are reunited ,Leo must mend his selfish ways, and only then will the other animals of the jungle agree to take part in the ingenious plan that will bring Tooey's mother back home. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
If You Like this movie you can streaming Leo, roi de la jungle Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : Leo, roi de la jungle
Release Date : Aug 30, 2013 Wide
Genre Movie : Animation,Kids & Family
Mpaa Rating : Unrated
Actors :Tony Ail,Nathan Aswell,Chera Bailey,Kathleen Barr,Lillian Carlson


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Leo, roi de la jungle

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If You Like this movie you can streaming Leo, roi de la jungle Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For Leo, roi de la jungle


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Movie Overview For Leo, roi de la jungle

An ex-mercenary turned smuggler. A Mende fisherman. Amid the explosive civil war overtaking 1999 Sierra Leone, these men join for two desperate missions: recovering a rare pink diamond of immense value and rescuing the fisherman's son conscripted as a child soldier into the brutal rebel forces ripping a swath of torture and bloodshed countrywide.
TagLine Leo, roi de la jungle It Will Cost You Everything

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