Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Watch New I'm So Excited! Movie with Full HD Format

A technical failure has endangered the lives of the people on board Peninsula Flight 2549. The pilots are striving, along with their colleagues in the Control Center, to find a solution. The flight attendants and the chief steward are atypical, baroque characters who, in the face of danger, try to forget their own personal problems and devote themselves body and soul to the task of making the flight as enjoyable as possible for the passengers, while they wait for a solution. Life in the clouds is as complicated as it is at ground level, and for the same reasons, which could be summarized in two: sex and death. (c) Sony Classics
If You Like this movie you can streaming I'm So Excited! Get movie without downloading HERE
Movie Title : I'm So Excited!
Release Date : Jun 28, 2013 Wide
Genre Movie :Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Antonio de la Torre,Hugo Silva,Miguel Ángel Silvestre,Javier Cámara,Carlos Areces,Raúl Arévalo,Jose María Yazpik,Lola Dueñas,Cecilia Roth,Blanca Suárez,José Luis Torrijo,Laya Martí,Carmen Machi,Susi Sánchez,Pepa Charro,Nasser Saleh,Guillermo Toledo,Penelope Cruz,Antonio Banderas,Paz Vega


Visitor Ranting & Critics For I'm So Excited!

User Ranting Movie I'm So Excited! : 2.9
User Percentage For I'm So Excited! : %
User Count Like for I'm So Excited! : 2,233
All Critics Ranting For I'm So Excited! : 5.9
All Critics Count For I'm So Excited! : 63
All Critics Percentage For I'm So Excited! : 52 %

If You Like this movie you can streaming I'm So Excited! Get movie without downloading HERE

Watch Trailer For I'm So Excited!


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Movie Overview For I'm So Excited!

The film is an ensemble comedy written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. When it appears as though the end is in sight, the pilots, flight crew, and passengers of a plane heading to Mexico City look to forget the anguish of the moment and face the greatest danger, which we carry within ourselves.
TagLine I'm So Excited!

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